Weekly Devotional and At Home Resources for Lent

Here is our at home spiritual growth guide for the week, You may do this in one sitting or across the course of this week. Feel free to answer the questions that best fit your spiritual journey. You can discuss with others, pray, journal, etc. Enjoy and trust God's presence during your Holy time this week!

Opening Prayer - Long moment of silence

Ice Breaker - What do you trust the most in life?

Scripture reading: 1 Kings 17:2-4
Scripture follow up questions:
  1. What is this scripture trying to teach us?
  2. How does it speak to your life?

Discussion Questions on Trust
  1. How is your fast going this Lent?
  2. How have you grown?
  3. Are there any lessons you have learned?
  4. What do you trust the most in life?
  5. What do you trust the most about God/Jesus?
  6. What sways you from that trust?
  7. Can you control those situations and feelings?
  8. How can we continue to increase our trust in God/Jesus?

Concluding prayer