The goal of Family Ministry is to create a safe and nurturing environment for children and youth to discover who they are as they grow in faith, service, and love.

Children's Ministry
When: During Worship Every Sunday morning
Children's Sunday School meets on Sunday mornings during worship for children ages 4-Grade 5.. Children join their parents in the sanctuary for the beginning of worship. After a brief children's message, they go to the Fellowship Hall for class. This is a time when children have opportunities to explore their faith, study scripture, discuss how their lives are going, and have tons of fun with games and crafts!

Youth Ministry
When: Almost every Sunday from 5-7 PM
Youth Sunday School meets on Sunday mornings during worship following the children's message. We discuss our faith, look at the teachings of Scripture, and study topics that will help us grow our mind and soul.
Youth Group meets almost every Sunday from 5-7 PM in the youth room during the school year. It is a time for youth to come together for fun, food, and sharing life experiences.
Youth Group meets almost every Sunday from 5-7 PM in the youth room during the school year. It is a time for youth to come together for fun, food, and sharing life experiences.