Lectio Divina

This practice, which means divine reading, has 4 steps to immerse yourself in the scriptures very personally.
Before you begin, find a comfortable and quiet place.  This could be in your backyard or in a special room in your home.  You might want a journal to write down insights.  You may also light a candle and say a simple prayer like, "God, open my heart to hear from you."
1. Lectio (Read)  Select a Bible passage.  This could be the reading from Sunday's worship or the selection of the day in the Bible reading plan on the app. Read the passage slowly. Listen carefully for any words or phrases that jump out to you.   If you have a journal, you might write those words down.
2. Meditatio (Reflect)  Read the passage again.  This time focus on what God is saying to you in the words and phrases that stood out in the first reading.  What personal experiences do the words speak to?
3. Oratio (Respond) Read the passage a third time and respond.  What is God calling you to be, to do, or to change as a result of this scripture reading?
4. Contemplio (Rest) After the final reading, spend time in quiet meditation.  You might start with 2 minutes of silence and build to 10 minutes.  Sit quietly and trust the Holy Spirit to work.  If your mind wanders to tasks or troubles, gently bring yourself back to stillness.  End with a quiet prayer thanking  God for meeting you in prayer and guiding you.