Question, Love, & Serve

Join us for worship every Sunday at 9:30 AM in the Sanctuary 

Epiphany Worship Series

Epiphany Season Worship @ Lynnewood

Epiphany literally means a manifestation of divine being. It is felt as a sudden intuitive perception or insight into the reality or essential meaning of something.  In our Christian tradition, this season follows Christmas and begins with the Wise Men from the East, who follow a star to Bethlehem. Their seeking is rewarded when they see Jesus and know they are looking at the face of God.  This year our search for new perception will take us to the hymns and contemporary music of our faith. Through the imagination of artists, we will seek insight into the essential meaning of grace, communion, the cross, heaven, and the humanity of Christ. We’ll also explore important issues in our life together like racial justice, mental health, and healing.  

May the Light of Christ guide us in this New Year.

January 5 -         We Three Kings, Epiphany Sunday (Matthew 2: 1-12)
                                     Holy Communion

January 12 -       Amazing Grace ( John 1: 14, 16-18 AND Colossians 1: 2-6)

January 19 -       Wade in the Water/O Holy Night (Genesis 16: 1-13)
                                     El-Roi: The God who Sees

January 26 -      Christ is the World’s Light
                                     (Seeking the Humanity of Christ in the hymns of Fred Green Pratt)
                                     Guest Preacher: Rev. Heather Leslie Hammer

February 2 -      Let us Be Bread (Matthew 26: 26-28 and 1 Corinthians 10:16)
                                     Holy Communion

February 9 -     When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
                                    (Matthew 27: 39-42 and 1 Corinthians 1: 17-18)

February 16 -   Healer of our Every Ill (Faith & Mental Health)
                                    Guest Preacher: Tricia Kim Walsh

February 23 -   I Can Only Imagine (1 Corinthians 15: 35-38, 42-50)

Worship with us

At Lynnewood, we embrace a diversity of musical and worship expressions.  Our choirs lead us in traditional hymn singing and our Wellspring band offers modern inspiration.  Our messages are biblically-grounded and relevant to daily life.  We pray through creative expression, holy conversation, and the traditional prayers of the church.  Whoever you are and wherever you are on your journey of faith, you can find a place to praise God and grow in faith here.

All are welcome

Welcome to Lynnewood, a reconciling United Methodist Church in Pleasanton, California.  
We believe we come alive and follow Jesus best in a community of acceptance and support. So, if you’re searching for hope and meaning, curious about God, or just open to the idea that there might be more to life than meets the eye, join us as we dare to Question, Love and Serve. You are welcome here and together we can change the world.