Question, Love, & Serve

Join us for worship every Sunday at 9:30 AM in the Sanctuary 

Lent At Lynnewood

Lent Promo Video

Worship Services

March 30 Reclaiming Hope In the Valley
April 6  Learning to Live with Wisdom, Character and Courage
April 13  Palm Sunday: Shine Your Own Beautiful Light
April 17 Maundy Thursday 7 PM
April 18 Good Friday 7 PM
April 20  Easter: Tell Them About the Dream

Worship with us

At Lynnewood, we embrace a diversity of musical and worship expressions.  Our choirs lead us in traditional hymn singing and our Wellspring band offers modern inspiration.  Our messages are biblically-grounded and relevant to daily life.  We pray through creative expression, holy conversation, and the traditional prayers of the church.  Whoever you are and wherever you are on your journey of faith, you can find a place to praise God and grow in faith here.

Upcoming Events

All are welcome

Welcome to Lynnewood, a reconciling United Methodist Church in Pleasanton, California.  
We believe we come alive and follow Jesus best in a community of acceptance and support. So, if you’re searching for hope and meaning, curious about God, or just open to the idea that there might be more to life than meets the eye, join us as we dare to Question, Love and Serve. You are welcome here and together we can change the world.